Can I put a radiator in my conservatory?


In order to increase the warmth in their conservatory, many homeowners have questioned whether it is possible to install a radiator. The short answer is yes. However, there are a few things to consider before making a decision.


Increased comfort: A radiator can help to keep your conservatory warm and comfortable, even during colder months.

More useable space: By adding heating, you can transform your conservatory into a more useable space that can be enjoyed all year round.

Better energy efficiency: By adding a radiator to your conservatory, you can improve its energy efficiency by reducing heat loss through the glazing.

Modern Radiator In A Conservatory


Cost: Adding a radiator to your conservatory can be expensive, especially if you need to extend your central heating system or install an electric radiator.

Space: Radiators can take up a lot of space, which can be a concern in smaller conservatories.

Aesthetics: Some radiators can be bulky and unsightly, and may not fit in with the design aesthetic of your conservatory.

Planning permission: If your conservatory is listed or located in a conservation area, you may need planning permission to install a radiator.

Radiator In A Conservatory

If you have chosen to add a radiator to your conservatory, there are several things to bear in mind. Firstly, you’ll need to decide whether you want to extend your central heating system or install an electric radiator instead. Extending your central heating system may cost more, but it will provide a more consistent level of heating. On the other hand, an electric radiator is typically quicker, cheaper and easier to install, but it could provide a lower level of heating.

Electric Heater In A Conservatory

You should also consider the size and placement of the radiator. In a smaller conservatory, a small radiator that’s mounted on the wall may be sufficient. However, in more spacious conservatories, you may need a larger, floor-mounted radiator to provide adequate heating within the space.

It is definitely possible to add a radiator to your conservatory, but it requires some serious consideration about your individual needs, budget and style preferences. Reach out to your local premium retailer if you have any questions.

Radiator In A Conservatory


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